Soil and Groundwater Assessment - PFAS Contamination Site


Soil and Groundwater Assessment - PFAS Contamination Site

In 2020, Cameron-Cole was retained by legal counsel representing a municipality to conduct a subsurface investigation at a certified fire training facility that had historically used aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS).  The investigation was conducted in response to a request from the state regulatory agency and to obtain documentation necessary to support participation of the municipality in a multi-district litigation (MDL) lawsuit against manufacturers of AFFF that would potentially allow the municipality to recover environmental restoration costs for any contamination that may be discovered.  

Cameron-Cole worked closely with the municipality, legal counsel, and representatives of the fire department to conduct personal interviews and review available records pertaining to the historical storage and disposal practices for use of AFFF at the fire training facility.  Cameron-Cole then developed a preliminary Site Conceptual Model used to prepare a Work Plan for assessment of the site that included a detailed Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) establishing the project's data quality objectives (DQOs).     

Following approval of the Work Plan and SAP, Cameron-Cole conducted a subsurface investigation that included collection and analysis of both soil and groundwater samples from designated on-site locations at the facility.  Groundwater samples were collected from permanent monitoring wells that were installed using rotosonic drilling methods under the supervision of a Cameron-Cole registered professional geologist.  In accordance with the SAP prepared for the site and applicable state-specific guidelines, special precautions were taken in order to minimize the potential for cross-contamination of samples, including the use of certified PFAS-free water to decontaminate all drilling and sampling equipment.  All Investigation Derived Waste (IDW) was containerized for proper off-site disposal.  

Laboratory analysis of the soil and groundwater samples collected confirmed the presence of both PFOA and PFOS at the site in excess of the Health Advisory Level (HAL) established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).   This data was compiled into a Limited Site Assessment Report which included a survey of all permitted potable water supply wells located in the vicinity of the site and recommended additional assessment including collection of groundwater samples from off-site locations.  The data collected was also used to support completion of a Plaintiff Fact Sheet that was required for participation in the MDL lawsuit.